Wiki? back

(L) [2006/09/12] [WikiSysop] [Wiki?] Wayback!

Ladies & gentlemen,

please gently point your browsers to [LINK]

You will need to log in that wiki with the same account you're using on this board to be granted rights to alter it.

Our benevolent dictator isn't motivated yet enough to truely unify logins, so you'll have to log-in both independantly. Feel free to throw rotten vegetables in his general direction.
(L) [2006/09/14] [greenhybrid] [Wiki?] Wayback!

added some requests to the startup page for the non-real-timers
(L) [2006/09/14] [Ho Ho] [Wiki?] Wayback!

Should the links from links&papers and datasets sections also be copied there?
In theory, there is no difference between theory and practice. But, in practice, there is.

Jan L.A. van de Snepscheut
(L) [2006/09/14] [tbp] [Wiki?] Wayback!

I've setup that wiki after writing [LINK]

People keep asking questions already debatted, so there's no net contribution. I can't really blame them, google for some reason (lack of link pointing to threads i guess) poorly indexes threads and the built-in search tool is quite limited. Plus threads tend to derail so unrelated nuggets end up in the middle of miles long discussions. That is if they bother to look it up [SMILEY Smile]

So i was thinking of that wiki as a meta board, indexing interesting tidbits. But that really is just the motivation for setting it up, it's a wiki and it is what you make of it.

If you feel like making a page pointing to papers, Ho Ho, help yourself [SMILEY Smile]

PS: i'll check to see if i can get latex working one way or another, but it's pretty hopeless.
May you live in interesting times.

[LINK radius] | [LINK ompf] | [LINK WompfKi]
(L) [2006/09/15] [tbp] [Wiki?] Wayback!

no anonymous posting. accounts require a valid email + activation by me. if dubious, nuke & ban. if unsure , send an email then nuke & ban after a couple of days.In any case a slow to respond legit user always has the option to plead his cause.

But that means there's a processing delay between registration and activation and you may piss off part of your audience. I mean i wouldn't appreciate being treated this way, but i don't see any other practical solution.
May you live in interesting times.

[LINK radius] | [LINK ompf] | [LINK WompfKi]
(L) [2006/09/15] [Lynx] [Wiki?] Wayback!

Whoohoo, finally a CG Wiki where you may get really technical? That's great...

Btw, that "WompfKi" sounds funny...and that word isn't know to google yet [SMILEY Very Happy]
(L) [2006/09/15] [lycium] [Wiki?] Wayback!

i'm really bad at starting pages but would be more than happy to contribute :)
(L) [2006/09/16] [tbp] [Wiki?] Wayback!

I've added a [wiki] linking code, as in [IMG #1 ?] Main_Page

edit: argh, space mangling isn't that transparent; [kiwi]blah blah[/kiwi] gets permanently turned into [kiwi]blah_blah[/kiwi].
May you live in interesting times.

[LINK radius] | [LINK ompf] | [LINK WompfKi]
[IMG #1]:Not scraped: /web/20061004001011im_/
(L) [2006/09/16] [Lynx] [Wiki?] Wayback!

If nobody dares...let me throw something in...

I tried to add something to the BRDF article, feel free to correct all the crap [SMILEY Smile]

I am neither a real CG expert nor a good wiki author...
(L) [2006/09/17] [tbp] [Wiki?] Wayback!

I'm not sure we have enough mana here to summon a complete standalone CG reference. Not that i'm going to try to stop or dissuade you.

I figure that wiki is a convenient mean to have some focused consensus or technical insight percolate on a somewhat narrow topic.
May you live in interesting times.

[LINK radius] | [LINK ompf] | [LINK WompfKi]
(L) [2006/09/18] [Lynx] [Wiki?] Wayback!

I see...

Well, i just thought when BRDF was listed as "Request for Documentation" i might start with some at least roughly raytracing related information on it...i guess i'm just bad at starting pages too [SMILEY Smile]

So was it more your intention that we basically just document related stuff being discussed in threads directly in those topics?

Say, in the Area Light-case, just throw in a paragraph with the details of the sampling i implemented after the paper toxy mentioned (and a link to the paper) etc.?

I can do that of course, but for that LaTex formulas probably would be quite helpful [SMILEY Smile]
