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(L) [2011/03/31] [franz] [Filtered RSS Feed] Wayback!

I got tired of seeing all the spam posts in my RSS aggregator (Google Reader) so I created a filtered RSS feed for ompf using [LINK FeedRinse]. Here it is: [LINK].
For now, posts containing the following keywords are filtered out: cheap software, celebrity, golf clubs, viagra, medication, discount, cialis, знакомств (whatever that means). I'll add new keywords as required.
(Hopefully this post won't get filtered out, considering the number of spam keywords it contains.)
(L) [2011/03/31] [roel] [Filtered RSS Feed] Wayback!

That's a great service, thanks! I didn't know either what знакомств means, but google image search gives a good impression. Not suited for sensitive viewers though.
(L) [2011/03/31] [txapulin] [Filtered RSS Feed] Wayback!

This is great! I have been about to unsubscribe several times in the last few weeks, and now ompf is safe in my greader.
(L) [2011/03/31] [davepermen] [Filtered RSS Feed] Wayback!

amazing thanks
(L) [2011/03/31] [sminning] [Filtered RSS Feed] Wayback!

Brilliant, thanks. Now I can feel safe to read ompf at work again.
(L) [2011/03/31] [ingenious] [Filtered RSS Feed] Wayback!

For the record, знакомствo means "friendship", "acquaintance" in Russian [SMILEY :)] But strange, I haven't seen much spam on OMPF in the past few weeks. And I'm using Google Reader as well...
(L) [2011/04/01] [toxie] [Filtered RSS Feed] Wayback!

i guess the 'average' viewer only sees the approved posts/topics? thus you didn't see all the madness that is going on behind the scenes..
(L) [2011/04/01] [Phantom] [Filtered RSS Feed] Wayback!

It's horrible, the maddness.
(L) [2011/04/02] [franz] [Filtered RSS Feed] Wayback!

Oh yes, I saw the "madness"... 90% of the posts being spam... Either the CAPTCHA is not working properly, or it's the post approval mechanism that isn't (I didn't even know we switched to posts approval).
(L) [2011/04/02] [ypoissant] [Filtered RSS Feed] Wayback!

I can confirm the madness. Some days. I disaprove 15 to 20 posts. I guess other moderators do as much too.
(L) [2011/04/05] [franz] [Filtered RSS Feed] Wayback!

After further analysis, it looks like the root of the problem is that posts are published in the RSS feed before they are (dis-)approved, so they will show up in google reader (and [LINK stay there forever]!) even if they're spam posts. That's why those of us who subscribed to the RSS feed witnessed the "behind-the-scene madness"...
My "rinsed" feed helps but I have to add new rules all the time to cover the new spam posts, and when one spam post is let in it will stay forever in google reader...
(L) [2011/04/05] [toxie] [Filtered RSS Feed] Wayback!

once again, tbp may be the only one able to fix this..
(L) [2011/06/03] [davepermen] [Filtered RSS Feed] Wayback!

lets point the big lamp to the sky with the tbp logo on it, in hope he sees it.
then again, i somehow like the spammed rss feed. it's fun sometimes to see what comes in. not that fun if it's hardcore stuff while i'm on the work pc, but well.. [SMILEY :)]
(L) [2011/08/31] [JVillella] [Filtered RSS Feed] Wayback!

>> ingenious wrote:For the record, знакомствo means "friendship", "acquaintance" in Russian  But strange, I haven't seen much spam on OMPF in the past few weeks. And I'm using Google Reader as well...
I thought it meant Dating in Russian. That's what my  [SMILEY :evil:] Googltron Translator [SMILEY :evil:]  said. But its often wrong. [SMILEY ;)]
(L) [2011/08/31] [ingenious] [Filtered RSS Feed] Wayback!

Nah, it can actually mean dating as well, and makes a lot of sense. You didn't waste your money [SMILEY :mrgreen:]
(L) [2011/09/07] [franz] [Filtered RSS Feed] Wayback!

I have given up on the filtered RSS feed. First, because [LINK Feed Rinse] doesn't work that well: for some reason, it often lets through posts containing forbidden words. Second, it requires constant updates. Third, many spam posts no longer contain intelligible words but rather strings of random characters that are basically impossible to filter with Feed Rinse.
And the nail in the coffin: I discovered that the [LINK Active Topics RSS feed] is completely clear of spam (I guess it is generated after post moderation, instead of before like the normal [LINK RSS feed].
I'll keep the filtered RSS feed alive, but I won't maintain it anymore. I strongly encourage everyone to switch to the Active Topics feed.
(L) [2011/09/07] [ingenious] [Filtered RSS Feed] Wayback!

>> franz wrote:And the nail in the coffin: I discovered that the [LINK Active Topics RSS feed] is completely clear of spam (I guess it is generated after post moderation, instead of before like the normal [LINK RSS feed].
Ah, that's why I haven't seen any issues with spam lately. Cool.
