Mar. 23, The first few footsteps back

(L) [2006/03/23] [Guest] [Mar. 23, The first few footsteps] Wayback!

[IMG #1 ]

Continuing in the fine tradition of the bunny.  The code is pure C++ right now (no intrinsics), compiled with MSVC 2005.  You may recognize the font renderer that I shamelessy borrowed [SMILEY Smile].

Interestingly enough, the shading seems to be zero overhead currently (even with two normalizations happening per shade computation!).  The bug in shading is me not checking if the triangle is visible to the light because I'm lazy and it's buggy right now (hello epsilons [SMILEY Sad]).
[IMG #1]:Not scraped:
(L) [2006/03/23] [gladius] [Mar. 23, The first few footsteps] Wayback!

Above is me.  Forgot to mention that the kd-tree is the extremely basic divide space in half at each step method.
