(L) [2008/10/07] [Guest] [Re: Intel Plans] Wayback!>> cignox1 wrote:What surprised me a bit is that if they wanted Larrabee to be a succesful product they must convince developers to switch to it as soon is possible, but without releasing detailed informations how could this happen?
Interested parties can simply sign an NDA if they want to know more.
 >> cignox1 wrote:I wonder what happened to that game company (don't remember the name) wich was aquired by Intel...  
Offset Software, developers of Project Offset. I think they were bought to prove that LRB is a capable rasterizer.
(L) [2008/10/07] [jogshy] [Re: Intel Plans] Wayback!>> Guest wrote:cignox1 wrote:I wonder what happened to that game company (don't remember the name) wich was aquired by Intel...  
Offset Software, developers of Project Offset. I think they were bought to prove that LRB is a capable rasterizer.
They bought Neoptica too.
[LINK http://www.xbitlabs.com/news/video/display/20071126140151_Intel_Quietly_Acquires_Graphics_Software_Firm.html]
(L) [2008/10/07] [rogon] [Re: Intel Plans] Wayback!Hardware takes a long time to design, prototype and manufacture. If the first design of LRB 2 is now only at the design hiring stage, I wouldn't expect LRB 2 hardware within the next two years. Hence, it is safe to say that LRB 2 will be out in about 2010.