entries for the irtc 6/2006 back
(L) [2007/01/03] [olliej] [entries for the irtc 6/2006] Wayback!Very pretty, not so keen on the bottom right one (it's a little too obvious the water doesn't interact with the spheres)
Do you treat spheres as primitives in gladius?
(L) [2007/01/03] [greenhybrid] [entries for the irtc 6/2006] Wayback!Thanks olliej [SMILEY Very Happy]
Yes, spheres are primitives like triangles in my ray tracer. And I think I will implement more primitives (e.g. cylinders)a
[LINK http://greenhybrid.net/ greenhybrid.net]
Real Men code Software Graphics.
(L) [2007/01/03] [playmesumch00ns] [entries for the irtc 6/2006] Wayback!Very nice images! Looks like you're using preetham's sky model. Can I ask how you're doing the spectral->rgb conversion? Are you calculating rgb values and using these directly for both illumination and eye rays? It looks like you've got some sort of tonemapping on the final image to get those colours coming out
(L) [2007/01/03] [greenhybrid] [entries for the irtc 6/2006] Wayback!Thank you [SMILEY Very Happy]
Yup, Preetham [SMILEY Smile]
The paper "gives" you CIE Yyx color values, which can easily be converted to RGB or (less easily) to spectral radiances.
[LINK http://greenhybrid.net/ greenhybrid.net]
Real Men code Software Graphics.
(L) [2007/01/03] [greenhybrid] [entries for the irtc 6/2006] Wayback!ahh and, no I am not using any kind of tonemapping atm. I just scaled the lighting down linearly when needed (that is when the sun's angle to the zenith is less than ca. 45 degrees)
[LINK http://greenhybrid.net/ greenhybrid.net]
Real Men code Software Graphics.
(L) [2007/01/04] [tbp] [entries for the irtc 6/2006] Wayback!Ahhh, IRTC... where the ugly meets the amazing [SMILEY Smile]
Nice brute renders. Seems that you have something worth digging further [SMILEY Wink]
May you live in interesting times.
[LINK https://gna.org/projects/radius/ radius] | [LINK http://ompf.org/ ompf] | [LINK http://ompf.org/wiki/ WompfKi]
(L) [2007/01/04] [greenhybrid] [entries for the irtc 6/2006] Wayback!Thanks  [SMILEY Cool]
but what do you mean by brute? brute force? brute number of spheres? brutal non realtimeness?
[LINK http://greenhybrid.net/ greenhybrid.net]
Real Men code Software Graphics.
(L) [2007/01/05] [greenhybrid] [entries for the irtc 6/2006] Wayback!mk  [SMILEY nod]
[LINK http://greenhybrid.net/ greenhybrid.net]
Real Men code Software Graphics.
(L) [2007/01/05] [beason] [entries for the irtc 6/2006] Wayback![SMILEY Surprised] Wow, very nice! Thanks for sharing.
I'm a little confused. When did you make the images and when is IRTC 6/2006? The images say (c)2006 but ompf says you posted in 2007.  [SMILEY Question]
(L) [2007/01/06] [greenhybrid] [entries for the irtc 6/2006] Wayback!Thank you [SMILEY Smile]
I rendered them in the last days of '06, irtc 6/2006 means november/december. Submission to irtc ftp-space was afair the second last day of 2006.
And in the early days of 2007 I submitted them here.
I wonder when the voting pages will open....
[LINK http://greenhybrid.net/ greenhybrid.net]
Real Men code Software Graphics.