gladius ray tracer back
(L) [2006/10/17] [greenhybrid] [gladius ray tracer] Wayback![IMG #1 miniature]
Hey folks!
After my system-crash I've written a new ray tracer. It's not aiming on hardcore realtime (it aims on general purpose: basic rtrt and global illumination). Currently it only has a SAH kd-tree compiler and today I start implementing MLRTA (which is a bit difficult and lacks a bit in performance, because the scene may consist of several trees and objects (but a solution is already found)
[IMG #2 miniature]
You can get the demo here:
It would be cool if you could give me some performance data in the form:
CPU:  type/clock
demo 1 small:  min/max fps
demo 1 big:     min/max fps
demo 2 small:  min/max fps
demo 2 big:     min/max fps
demo 3 small:  min/max fps
demo 3 big:     min/max fps
Thanks in forward
EDIT: ah, and some performance data for my @work system:
CPU:  Athlon XP 2200+
demo 1 small:  14-35 fps
demo 1 big:     4-12 fps
demo 2 small:  17-62 fps
demo 2 big:     5-16 fps
demo 3 small:  6-9 fps
demo 3 big:     2 fps
Real Men code Software Graphics.
[IMG #1]:Not scraped:
[IMG #2]:Not scraped:
(L) [2006/10/17] [Ho Ho] [gladius ray tracer] Wayback!One question:
Where can I see the FPS? I tried running them through Wine and they seem to work. I get a window with bunch of spheres and title saying "done! cleaning up..." and nothing else.
In theory, there is no difference between theory and practice. But, in practice, there is.
Jan L.A. van de Snepscheut
(L) [2006/10/17] [greenhybrid] [gladius ray tracer] Wayback!The fps/mrays appears in the window title.
That's a bit strange, Ho Ho: the window title is updated everytime (clock()-lastClock)>=CLOCKS_PER_SEC is true (so it should be no problem using linux)...
can't make any rhyme of it, sorry...
Real Men code Software Graphics.
(L) [2006/10/17] [Ho Ho] [gladius ray tracer] Wayback!Interesting. I'm not sure where is the problem. Other programs with changing titlebar text work fine.
IF you would write FPS to stdout it would make it possible for me to read the FPS. Though you don't have to do it, unless you want to get results from 3.15GHz Allendale  [SMILEY Razz]
In theory, there is no difference between theory and practice. But, in practice, there is.
Jan L.A. van de Snepscheut
(L) [2006/10/17] [greenhybrid] [gladius ray tracer] Wayback![SMILEY Shocked] dammit, I should have first make some real linux-ports before starting my mlrta implementation (and I should have first implemented the statistic outputs....) [SMILEY Sad]
sorry, I have to tease you until my mlrta stands tight (looking good btw, maybe it's ready for some first testing sessions this nite or tommorow [SMILEY Very Happy])
Real Men code Software Graphics.
(L) [2006/10/22] [greenhybrid] [gladius ray tracer] Wayback!Ho Ho: I just checked the demos with wine. Results: the demos don't run and stall in the main message loop...I will compile some linux binaries after my MLRTA works fine [SMILEY Wink]
Real Men code Software Graphics.