Arauna on Linux back
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(L) [2009/01/27] [Emanem] [Arauna on Linux] Wayback!Hi guys,
as per subject has anyone ported Arauna on Linux?
I'm using Ubuntu 8.10 and trying the original with wine is not possible because it crashes... [SMILEY :-(]
Any luck?
(L) [2009/01/27] [Simbad] [Arauna on Linux] Wayback!I downloaded the engine-package and had a look into the sources.
I do not think that it is easily if anyhow portable to linux. It uses MS threads, which are different to posix-threads that you have on linux. And somewhere in the deep I suspect DirectX functions because I have seen some headers names are going in this direction.
(L) [2009/01/27] [davepermen] [Arauna on Linux] Wayback!just install windows vista or windows 7 on a machine for 30 days for free. that long the testing period runs, and you can do what ever you want on it.
(L) [2009/01/28] [phresnel] [Arauna on Linux] Wayback!>> davepermen wrote:just install windows vista or windows 7 ...
... and kill the mbr?
a) do the porting work yourself
b) try to run it under Wine
c) try to run it in a Virtual Machine
(L) [2009/01/28] [Emanem] [Arauna on Linux] Wayback!a) I have the knowledge but not time [SMILEY :(]
b) The latest version of wine crashes after 10 seconds of running
c) I can give a shot (I have kvm)
Btw, installing M$ software is very unlikely.
Do you know any other software similar to Arauna but that can be run even on Linux?
(L) [2009/01/28] [phresnel] [Arauna on Linux] Wayback!I guess you are looking for something realtime. Maybe look into tbp's signature (radius). Also, I am pretty sure the two search boxen at the top right of your browser won't be silent.
(L) [2009/01/28] [Emanem] [Arauna on Linux] Wayback!Any other suggestion(s)?
Thanks in advance,
(L) [2009/01/28] [gildor] [Arauna on Linux] Wayback!I ported Arauna to Mac OS X using pthreads (and cocoa), it should be easy to modify my sources to use sdl to handle display and so on.
If anyone is interested just ask for modified sources.
(L) [2009/01/28] [davepermen] [Arauna on Linux] Wayback!>> phresnel wrote:davepermen wrote:just install windows vista or windows 7 ...
... and kill the mbr?
a) do the porting work yourself
b) try to run it under Wine
c) try to run it in a Virtual Machine
thanks to my backup solution i can kill and restore my systems like vm's.. [SMILEY :)] but yes, a vm could work, too (but dx and vm performance may result in lower performance than on the machine itself).
(L) [2009/01/29] [thomast] [Arauna on Linux] Wayback!gildor: Just put the sources available somewhere? If you don't know any place, then PM them to me and I will do it. Are the Mac sources DirectX dependent?
If someone would add SDL support, would Arauna developer be willing to add the optional backend into the main source?