(L) [2006/06/11] [fpsunflower] [Interactive Distribution Ray Tracing] Wayback!Finally an RTRT paper that implements all the features ray tracing is good at =)
[LINK http://www.sci.utah.edu/~wald/Publications/webgen/2006/Cook/download//cook.pdf]
(L) [2006/06/12] [Phantom] [Interactive Distribution Ray Tracing] Wayback!16 cores, 512x512 and 2 frames per second for some lousy balls, plus using Sudoku? [SMILEY Smile]
But seriously: I still need to read the paper properly.
(L) [2006/06/12] [toxie] [Interactive Distribution Ray Tracing] Wayback!My two cents 'bout the paper:
Sudoku = Subset of (t,m,s) nets
Rest of the paper is exactly how "one would do it" if everything should be using SIMD.
Or am i missing something?!