Raytracing for curves primitive for rendering hair. back

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(L) [2011/10/04] [syoyo] [Raytracing for curves primitive for rendering hair.] Wayback!

Direct raytracing of bezier curves for rendering hair.
[LINK http://d.hatena.ne.jp/ototoi/20110515/p1]
Does it looks nice?
(L) [2011/10/04] [ingenious] [Raytracing for curves primitive for rendering hair.] Wayback!

Indeed! Especially compared to the bad appearance of the underlying mesh, which is quite the opposite of what we're used to seeing [SMILEY :)]
(L) [2011/10/05] [beason] [Raytracing for curves primitive for rendering hair.] Wayback!

Looks good! [SMILEY :)]
(L) [2011/10/05] [PabloDeHeras] [Raytracing for curves primitive for rendering hair.] Wayback!

