What about some new (sub-)section(s)? back
(L) [2006/05/06] [tbp] [What about some new (sub-)section(s)?] Wayback!More specifically somewhere to dump code snippets could be useful provided that seclusion doesn't inhibit discussion.
Or a place to post about binaries or tools you've made and are somehow related to renderers.
What's your take?
(L) [2006/05/06] [Phantom] [What about some new (sub-)section(s)?] Wayback!A section 'sources, tools, demos & other binaries' would be nice I guess.
(L) [2006/05/06] [tbp] [What about some new (sub-)section(s)?] Wayback!That's 2 for it, none against and an infinity without opinion.
(L) [2006/05/08] [greenhybrid] [What about some new (sub-)section(s)?] Wayback!what about corners for realtime raytracing, none realtime, monte carlo, backward, forward etc.?
[LINK http://greenhybrid.net/] | [LINK mailto:root@greenhybrid.net root@greenhybrid.net]
(L) [2006/05/08] [greenhybrid] [What about some new (sub-)section(s)?] Wayback!hm, and if we reduce to realtime and none realtime?
[LINK http://greenhybrid.net/] | [LINK mailto:root@greenhybrid.net root@greenhybrid.net]
(L) [2006/05/12] [rontana] [What about some new (sub-)section(s)?] Wayback!you can only get it if you roll an un-loaded dice and get three sixes in a row
(L) [2006/05/12] [playmesumch00ns] [What about some new (sub-)section(s)?] Wayback!I think a forum for non-rt rendering might be a good idea: keep the "gi posers" as tbp calls us from clogging up the discussions with our damn incohrent rays! But it should only be a sub-forum, the site shouldn't be split.
I come here for the discussion on rtrt: how to squeeze efficiency out of every last cycle in kd-tree building and traversal etc. That should always be the main focus of the site.
(L) [2006/05/12] [Phantom] [What about some new (sub-)section(s)?] Wayback!Well we should definitely add a forum for non-rt tracing, imo:
In the first place, many techniques that are not realtime right now might become realtime, and second, there's a lot of overlap (e.g., good kd-trees that build fast benefit both 'disciplines').
Right now it doesn't really feel like the non-rtrt guys are cluthering the forums, as I find these topics just as interesting. It might however make searching a tad more complex (regarding searching: I would like to put a sticky somewhere with an 'index', where for every topic there's one or a few links to discussions on that topic).
Only issue is (as far as I'm concerned): Do we need an extra category of forums (we have 'Ray Tracing' and 'Logistics' now), or would an extra forum suffice (e.g., we could split 'general development' to 'rtrt development' and 'rt development')?
(L) [2006/05/12] [playmesumch00ns] [What about some new (sub-)section(s)?] Wayback!Yeah maybe split general development into rt and non-rt.
I think the index is a very good idea. There's a lot of very interesting stuff being discussed, but it's often buried in a thread whose title bears no relation to the topic: we seem to have a habit of going off on tangents [SMILEY Smile]
(L) [2006/05/12] [Phantom] [What about some new (sub-)section(s)?] Wayback!Yeah tangents are bad when you need a normalized vector to some info as quickly as possible. [SMILEY Wink]