The Mesh Compendium back
(L) [2006/02/14] [tbp] [The Mesh Compendium] Wayback![LINK The Mesh Compendium]
Has all kind of meshes in triangulated wavefront format, sadly without normals or tex coords (generally).
I'm still trying to gather, again, some scenes i've used way back when with mitigated success so far (ie [LINK Sulaco])
(L) [2006/03/06] [playmesumch00ns] [The Mesh Compendium] Wayback!None of the obj files on the mesh compendium seem to be there any more... anyone know where they've gone?
(L) [2006/03/06] [Phantom] [The Mesh Compendium] Wayback!I tried the balljoint mesh, just to prove you're wrong, and you are. It's downloadable.
(L) [2006/03/06] [playmesumch00ns] [The Mesh Compendium] Wayback!What link are downloading? If I click on the picture or the title "Ball Joint" I get the URL
And going to that gives me
(L) [2006/03/06] [lycium] [The Mesh Compendium] Wayback!those files are still text tho ;) and it's the first time i'm actually looking inside an obj file, as it happens...
(L) [2006/03/06] [playmesumch00ns] [The Mesh Compendium] Wayback!Gotcha, thanks [SMILEY Smile]