ompf? why the name? back

(L) [2007/06/12] [spiroyster] [ompf? why the name?] Wayback!

Nice. This is what I like to see. A forum dedicated to raytacing..... just out of curiosity, why the name ompf.... Or should I say what do they stand for?

(L) [2007/06/14] [lycium] [ompf? why the name?] Wayback!

orange motif precludes females?

oh my pretty face?

observe my picketed fence?

on mountains plant flowers?

otherwise make plum fondues?


i suspect i might know the answer, but in the name of a good mystery i shalln't divulge.
(L) [2007/06/15] [beason] [ompf? why the name?] Wayback!

it's abbreviation of "oomph", which means with zest [SMILEY Smile]
(L) [2007/06/15] [tbp] [ompf? why the name?] Wayback!

2 threads + associated posts, and still counting!

Have i told you about the Terrible Secret of Space?
May you live in interesting times.

[LINK radius] | [LINK ompf] | [LINK WompfKi]
(L) [2007/06/15] [madmethods] [ompf? why the name?] Wayback!

Guy who's meditating and gets frustrated because he can't remember the last bit of the mantra?

(L) [2007/06/15] [Phantom] [ompf? why the name?] Wayback!

I have students, so I know the answer now:

"One must past finals". There. Done.

