Scene repository back

(L) [2006/02/07] [tbp] [Scene repository] Wayback!

I've setup an ftp, hopefully with limited rights, here: [LINK]

The idea is you upload some stuff through that slow ftp (it's on my DSL), drop me a line and i'll upload it into a faster repository.

That's the plan.

edit: The download side of the repository is to be found right there... [LINK]
(L) [2006/02/07] [Phantom] [Scene repository] Wayback!

Kitchen scene dumped into your folder. I don't have any textures though.
(L) [2006/02/23] [tbp] [Scene repository] Wayback!

Added the infamous Jagdpanther SdKfz 173 and Dodge WC-51 models. Materials could use some tweakage.
