cell rtrt back

(L) [2006/12/01] [lycium] [cell rtrt] Wayback!

[LINK http://gametomorrow.com/blog/index.php/2006/11/12/cell-interactive-ray-tracer-irt-at-sc06/#comment-7257]

the video looks quite impressive, though the article is unfortunately very short on details. for example, they say ambient occlusion is implemented, but no info on whether it's dynamic or computed via something like wald's dirmaps etc.

still, while the results are impressive and all, i'm not sure if i should really be surprised that it's possible possible given 1.6 tflops ;) btw, i found that link while reading this: [LINK http://gametomorrow.com/blog/index.php/2005/11/30/gpus-vs-cell/]

on a somewhat unrelated note, since they have a really hot lamborghini model and we're mostly using teapots and such, i recently found a nice bmw z4 model in 3dsmax format. it can be tesselated arbitrarily, so if anyone's looking for some nice data to trace, just email me and i'll send it :)
(L) [2007/08/31] [toxie] [cell rtrt] Wayback!

[LINK http://www.alphaworks.ibm.com/tech/irt]

has the demo for download now?!

btw: we should -all- get PS3, cause: [LINK http://www.psu.com/4D-Graphics--A-Reality-Only-For-PlayStation-3--a1063-p0.php]

Eat plutonium death you disgusting alien weirdos!
(L) [2007/08/31] [bouliiii] [cell rtrt] Wayback!

I ported my ray tracer on the SPEs of my PS3 and after a dirty implementation (in about 30 hours from PC to SPEs), I can say that it ROCKS. 4 times faster than my coreduo and there is a large room for improvement. However, I think that coding a complete game (Physics + AI + rendering + .....) with 7 SPEs, only 256KB of local store for each of them, everything in parallel and many interdependence is not easy... at all.

(L) [2007/09/01] [toxie] [cell rtrt] Wayback!

hmmm.. interested in showing that demo to us on the RT07?

we have a PS3 here, too..
Eat plutonium death you disgusting alien weirdos!
(L) [2007/09/01] [toxie] [cell rtrt] Wayback!

nope, i'm not at EG.. i'm at home and finishing my PhD.. ;/

too bad you're not at the RT07, we really looked forward to have a chat with you on RTRT, GI and all that.. :(

(and boozing as well, of course.. :)
Eat plutonium death you disgusting alien weirdos!
