Itokawa asteroid model back

(L) [2007/06/07] [MooZ] [Itokawa asteroid model] Wayback!


I was reading the [LINK Pioneer program] article on wikipedia. After some links i ended up on the [LINK Hayabusa] mission page. The spacecraft is now preparing to come back to earth after collecting tons of informations about Itokawa (photos, samples, etc...). And back on Earth they made a [LINK 3D model of the asteroid] [SMILEY Smile]

Well it's not a dragon or a buddah but it has a lot of tiny cavities and shape changes.
(L) [2007/06/07] [Phantom] [Itokawa asteroid model] Wayback!

Hmm... That doesn't look like something that I would like to have spinning on my screen when my wife enters the room.

(L) [2007/06/08] [lycium] [Itokawa asteroid model] Wayback!

that's a space potato!

thx for the link, i look forward to rendering some 'roids!
