Kd-Tree Traversal: How to handle floating point exceptions? back

(L) [2006/06/09] [Michael77] [Kd-Tree Traversal: How to handle floating point exceptions?] Wayback!


I am having some trouble traversing my kdtree in some special case. Imagine a Ray with Origin 0 0 0 and Direction 0 0 1. When the spliting plane is located at location 0 on the x-axis, this produces a -1#IND or 1#IND for computing the tsplit value for the ray because of the division by zero.

Here is the code I am currently using:
(L) [2006/06/09] [tbp] [Kd-Tree Traversal: How to handle floating point exceptions?] Wayback!

Look up for "NaN" on this very board.
(L) [2006/06/09] [Michael77] [Kd-Tree Traversal: How to handle floating point exceptions?] Wayback!

Ok, thanks.
