(L) [2006/05/24] [tbp] [tbp, your paper on k-d tree building is needed] Wayback!Hah.
If i read that correctly, the deadline is July 3 [SMILEY Wink]
It may seems like i'm idling, but i'm engaged in some t e d i o u s and b o r i n g streamlining of my horrible code for a public source release; given the current pace i think i'd better push something incomplete out. Anyway, once that's done one way or another i'll get back to the kd-tree: i need to iron out a whole bunch of evil details before i think about writing a paper.
EDIT: btw, it would be nice to hook your fancy fractal turd generator into that thing (that would save me from adapting my ugly .obj parser).
(L) [2006/05/24] [lycium] [tbp, your paper on k-d tree building is needed] Wayback!ah damn, i thought with the event being in september (what a nice birthday present that would be for me... *sigh*) the due date for paper submissions might've been a little less aggressive. oh well, i know full well the rigours of paper editing (hi again bramz! ;)
the only thing i which i think should be released early is horde: a lot of people's present efforts (i also wouldn't mind knowing an effective, minimal solution) would definitely benefit from it. for full releases i tend to agree with gauss, "pauca sed matura".
oh and about the spaceturd stuff, that's a little bit on hold for now "unfortunately": i'm having an incredibly great time working on fractal stuff again. on the other hand, the things that need doing are pretty minimal (double precision is almost for free and very necessary); to make it worthwhile isn't very difficult either after i send you my expression parsing code- that way the presently hardcoded stuff for shrinking the segments, altering rotation angles etc will be entirely in the definition file, and the program will become very flexible. the whole thing is already designed with expression parsing in mind; for example multiple parameter sets are stored for each symbol already, context is passed (i think) but not used, etc- i just didn't finish everything before the deadline :/ that whole thing has <= 36h (nonstop) work on it.