Cubix Expander ... is dead !! back

Board: Board index Raytracing General Development GPU

(L) [2013/09/11] [spectral] [Cubix Expander ... is dead !!] Wayback!

Hi there,
Some of you remember about the multi-GPU box "cubix gpu xpander, where we can plug several video cards.
It seems that this company does not exists anymore.... and so, I'm looking for a replacement solution.
Does someone know somethig like that ?
Also, I'm looking to plug NVIDIA Quadro & GeForce and ATI one (together)... but not sure it is possible to hanlde due to different drivers ? (Even with switch on/off buttons)
(L) [2013/09/11] [spectral] [Cubix Expander ... is dead !!] Wayback!

Have just found this :
ViDock [LINK]
It allow to add a new video card to a Mac Mini or Mac Book...
Does someone have try it ?
