(L) [2015/06/05] [tby graphicsMan] [Looking for robust ray offsets] Wayback!Hi all -
It's been a while, but there was a paper or dissertation that discussed how to calculate robust ray offsets by pushing the low-order bits of the floats for the vector offset.  I can't recall which paper or dissertation; can anyone please post a link?
(L) [2015/06/30] [tby mattpharr] [Looking for robust ray offsets] Wayback!FWIW the third edition of Physically Based Rendering has a new section on numerical robustness issues for ray tracing. There are (we think) some new contributions in it, so we've posted a PDF of that chapter in the hopes that people will take a look at it and see if there are any issues before the book goes off to the publisher: [LINK http://pbrt.org/fp-error-section.pdf].
Happy to hear any comments that people have!