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(L) [2012/03/05] [Geri] [Csillámtrace - my new graphics engine] Wayback!i decided to kill gpu support out from my stuffs, becouse i got sick from the crapness of the 3d drivers and the crazy nonsense direction of the gpu manufacturing.
( [LINK http://www.gamedev.net/topic/574367-ray-tracer-performance/page__p__4901878#entry4901878] )
so i decided to switch to software accelerated real time ray tracing.
i hope i will be possible to create my new graphics engine based on this technology.
so, currently, what i am on:
-the goal is to get a really fast graphics engine that have logarithmic scaling if i incrase the polygon and object number
-however, basic effects also needed, after all this is a ray tracer:
-shadow ( done ), reflection ( broken ), refraction ( done, i think ), light component division ( not yet ), shineyness with normal map ( not yet ), cool shadowing of gaps ( not yet ), etc...
-unlimited polygons ( done, scales up to maximum 1 billion polygons)
-dynamic scene ( done, however, needs to be faster )
-maybee i would able to run it playable on a 4 core cpu ( umm.. no.. if i turn on effects, it needs moar core )
-HD image with core2quad or above ( i dont think i will be able to reach this goal, aniway, the output image is fugly )
-no gpu at all. the goal is to get rid of gpus
-it eats a huge ram currently (1 gbyte for a scene in normal resolution)
-aa ( some aa like thing implemented ), dof ( done )
-clear image ( i think i cant do that )
-light overbright ( no hdr yet )
-96bit rendering
[IMG #1 Image]
some refraction
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shadows - dat bug arent there any more
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smoother shadows
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random kyuubee gif from internet that indicates how strangely this project gona fail
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(L) [2012/03/06] [paulusul] [Csillámtrace - my new graphics engine] Wayback!Hey welcome to forums [SMILEY :)]
The pictures are a little fubar, is it the model that is chopy or is it a lack of anti aliasing?
Also on the first picture the models have holes in them, what's the cause of that?
(L) [2012/03/06] [Geri] [Csillámtrace - my new graphics engine] Wayback!haai o/
 >> model that is chopy or is it a lack of anti aliasing
if you think on the models in the back, thats arent holes, the frame cache causing them, becouse the camera is moving and circling around.
if you think the little white dots in the refraction, that is a bug in the refraction.
models are fubar, becouse:
-x86 fpu is 24 bit. 32 bit is a lie.
-i dont know
-it should be playable, so precisity of the code are keepen low
-the geomtry convertex into voxels, and to keep the memory demand low, there is a few voxels
-it would be run in 2048x1024 nicely. however, the personal computer that can move the scene in such resolution, is not yet invented.
(L) [2012/03/06] [Geri] [Csillámtrace - my new graphics engine] Wayback!*my post disappeard*
o hai o/
 >> Also on the first picture the models have holes in them, what's the cause of that?
if you think the objects in the back, those are arent holes, just caused by the frame cache. the scene is in movement, the camera cycles around
if you think to the object with the refraction, i dont know. probably a bug in the refraction-
 >> The pictures are a little fubar, is it the model that is chopy or is it a lack of anti aliasing?
to keep the memory demand ,,small'', the precisity of the voxels should keep low. also it would need 2048x1024 to be prettyer, but those personal computers not yet invented.
(L) [2012/03/15] [Geri] [Csillámtrace - my new graphics engine] Wayback!i had to release new versions from two different kind of applications of me. So i had no lot time to finish the bugs. But i continued to hunt the bugs aniway, at the moment i will need 2-4 full day to eliminate the current flickering bugs that from csillámtrace. i hope i can continue to develop it soon.
(L) [2012/04/09] [Geri] [Csillámtrace - my new graphics engine] Wayback![IMG #1 Image]
the sprite rasterizer (LQ)
it seems there will be no need to use multisample at all, however, i have programmed that too.
these things are wallpapers, so my automatic mipmapping also works (mipmap generation paralleled up to 8 threads maximum), npot and clamping okay, and the algorithm only updates the changements (tiled to 16x and 16y) so it does not slows down anything, so literally can be millions of sprites without speed problem. also, render happens on 8 threads maximum. (another screw into the coffin of the gpgpu conception)
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