An Border-Stable Approach to NURBS Surface Rendering for Ray back

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(L) [2013/08/14] [tby Lo1] [An Border-Stable Approach to NURBS Surface Rendering for Ray] Wayback!

I look at how to implement this paper.
I admit my math is a little dated in this area.
I block some of the libraries that might exist to simplify the calculation ideally to OpenCL or well re-understand the theory.
I advance paper by paper.
Thank you in advance for your help,
(L) [2013/08/14] [tby graphicsMan] [An Border-Stable Approach to NURBS Surface Rendering for Ray] Wayback!

I'm suspicious that these guys do not reference Abert's work "Direct and Fast Ray Tracing of NURBS Surfaces" which is much newer than Martin's NURBS paper.
(L) [2013/08/14] [tby Lo1] [An Border-Stable Approach to NURBS Surface Rendering for Ray] Wayback!

Thank you,
I saw pass this article but I have not yet read.
I'll look on.
Not too keen to get into the book 'The NURBS Book' but I think it will be beneficial to me.
(L) [2013/08/15] [tby Lo1] [An Border-Stable Approach to NURBS Surface Rendering for Ray] Wayback!

Thank you,
I found this one interesting too after reading the one you referenced.
If I'm right they take an other approch for the Intersection Test.
May be can be interesting using the Abert's paper for the NURBS surface precalculation.
Seems to me less math behind the test but not sure about the time needed for the intersection test.
