(L) [2014/10/16] [JasonSmith] [Request: Old Ashdown radiosity scenes] Wayback!Hey everyone-
I'm working on resurrecting a hemicube radiosity renderer I wrote a long time ago.  My reference at that time was "Radiosity, A Programmer's Perspective" by Ian Ashdown.
He included a scene room.wld with the book (render attached).  But the book also mentions others, like a cornell box called cornell.wld.
Since I have this thing running again, I'd love to generate some more images.
Does anyone have any more ".WLD" scenes from the late 90's I could try?  His renderer was called "Helios", but I haven't found anything by searching for Helios scenes.
(L) [2014/10/16] [Dade] [Request: Old Ashdown radiosity scenes] Wayback!>> JasonSmith wrote:My reference at that time was "Radiosity, A Programmer's Perspective" by Ian Ashdown.
I have the book but it was sold with a 3.5" floppy and even if I find the floppy, it is likely to be not readable anymore (after 20 year). And even if it is readable ...who has a 3.5" floppy reader anymore ?