bvh build time (CPU vs opencl vs optix vs RTX) back

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(L) [2020/07/30] [ost by xma] [bvh build time (CPU vs opencl vs optix vs RTX)] Wayback!

What's about bvh build time (CPU [embree] vs GPGPU [opencl vs optix vs RTX]) ? (with morton codes)

are there any comparisons ?

for example, World of Tanks enCore RT used (for RT shadows) embree (CPU) for bvh building (1.5M triangles), and DX11 Compute for RT tracing (this BVH with triangles)

[IMG #1 Image]

from here,
[IMG #1]:[IMG:#0]
(L) [2020/07/30] [ost by graphicsMan] [bvh build time (CPU vs opencl vs optix vs RTX)] Wayback!

Not that I've seen, but testing Embree vs OptiX build time performance shouldn't be too tricky since they are both open source.  Please consider writing something up and posting here.
(L) [2020/07/31] [ost by mpeterson] [bvh build time (CPU vs opencl vs optix vs RTX)] Wayback!

hi, embree is for shure not the fastest bvh builder around
but beating a low quality gpu-based bvh builder is impossible
on cpus today.
(L) [2020/07/31] [ost by graphicsMan] [bvh build time (CPU vs opencl vs optix vs RTX)] Wayback!

Yeah, I guess it's a matter of tradeoffs between high-quality and high build speed.  mpeterson, are you saying that OptiX is building low-quality BVHs?

It would be interesting to see a chart of build times vs incoherent rays/s for several architectures.
