(L) [2020/07/30] [ost
by xma] [bvh build time (CPU vs opencl vs optix vs RTX)] Wayback!What's about bvh build time (CPU [embree] vs GPGPU [opencl vs optix vs RTX]) ? (with morton codes)
are there any comparisons ?
for example, World of Tanks enCore RT used (for RT shadows) embree (CPU) for bvh building (1.5M triangles), and DX11 Compute for RT tracing (this BVH with triangles)
[IMG #1 Image]
from here,
[IMG #1]:
(L) [2020/07/31] [ost
by mpeterson] [bvh build time (CPU vs opencl vs optix vs RTX)] Wayback!hi, embree is for shure not the fastest bvh builder around
but beating a low quality gpu-based bvh builder is impossible
on cpus today.
(L) [2020/07/31] [ost
by graphicsMan] [bvh build time (CPU vs opencl vs optix vs RTX)] Wayback!Yeah, I guess it's a matter of tradeoffs between high-quality and high build speed.  mpeterson, are you saying that OptiX is building low-quality BVHs?
It would be interesting to see a chart of build times vs incoherent rays/s for several architectures.