Re: Stackless MBVH Traversal for CPU, MIC and GPU Ray Tracin back
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(L) [2014/01/21] [tby mpeterson] [Re: Stackless MBVH Traversal for CPU, MIC and GPU Ray Tracin] Wayback!>> jbikker wrote:On CPU, the fastest practical approach is straight MBVH traversal. For first bounce diffuse rays, Tsakok's MBVH/RS is optimal. I presented a paper with an approach that outperforms both (by ~20%), but it's a complex algorithm:
it goes even much faster then this. stay tuned...
(L) [2014/01/21] [tby voxelium] [Re: Stackless MBVH Traversal for CPU, MIC and GPU Ray Tracin] Wayback!Paper/code or it didn't happen! [SMILEY ;)]
I'm also using single-ray MBVH on CPU & MIC, but for me it's better than MBVH/RS even for first bounce rays: [LINK]
A ~20% speedup sounds perfectly reasonable (what about multi-threaded perf though?), but I would be really surprised if we could improve this by an order of magnitude for incoherent rays.
(L) [2014/03/06] [tby voxelium] [Re: Stackless MBVH Traversal for CPU, MIC and GPU Ray Tracin] Wayback!My paper can now be downloaded from here: [LINK]
(L) [2018/01/22] [ost
by joedizzle] [Re: Stackless MBVH Traversal for CPU, MIC and GPU Ray Tracin] Wayback!This is an excellent paper, I'll use it for my GPU tracer. One thing that I've noted, it seems the pseudo-code for BVH2 might lead to infinite loops for a novice implementer who might use the code as it is. I tested the code for a simple square plane which is made up of 2 triangles, meaning all nodes have same bounding box properties. This scenario will force the ray to intersect both leaf bounding boxes and do necessary intersection test, for a properly defined bvh (one node, 2 leaves i.e. 2n-1 property). As a result using the code in the paper, the ray traversal never enters the second leaf. Analysis of the code points to the problem of the leaf node code below.
Code: [LINK # Select all]// Leaf node
if (!isInner(nodeId)) {
which should be
Code: [LINK # Select all]// Leaf node
if (!isInner(nodeId)) {
   // do necessary intersection first
   // update parent and sibling status
   parentId = nid.x;
   siblingId = nid.y;
the above modified section of the leaf node code, resolved the issue. After a strenuous week of debugging. Lol
Has anyone encountered the similar problem?
(L) [2018/01/31] [ost
by mpeterson] [Re: Stackless MBVH Traversal for CPU, MIC and GPU Ray Tracin] Wayback!again: this is 10 years old crap. go with state of the art  -> google is your friend !
(L) [2018/02/05] [ost
by joedizzle] [Re: Stackless MBVH Traversal for CPU, MIC and GPU Ray Tracin] Wayback!I will definitely, in my TODO list of latest algorithms, [LINK] (I will properly organize the repository soon).
 - But if you're dealing with platforms that have limited capability in dealing with stacks, the latest algorithm that I found, but with limited public available information is... "Efficient stackless hierarchy traversal on GPUs with backtracking in constant time"... [LINK].
- This is well implemented in "RadeonGPU Raytracer"... [LINK]. I might implement it once I understand the algorithm.
- The final accelerator to implement for GPU is "GPU Ray Tracing using Irregular Grids" (solves teapot in a stadium problem) - [LINK] which seem to be quite superior.
My previous comment was just a simple identification of a problem that I haven't seen it been discussed anywhere in the internet.