Attachment file size back

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(L) [2011/11/29] [tby ingenious] [Attachment file size] Wayback!

I tried to attach an image to a post, but it says the max file size is 256KB. Is it possible to increase it?
(L) [2011/11/29] [tby admin] [Attachment file size] Wayback!

I'll look into it, should be easy.
EDIT: It's 1Mb now.
(L) [2012/10/02] [tby apaffy] [Attachment file size] Wayback!

Is there a known issue with attachments at the moment?  I'm trying to create a topic but the "upload attachment" button in the first post is reporting the following (hash varies):
 >> Could not upload attachment to ./files/79_b1a54adefb9e2f677b2af2f3bf2a1068.
