(L) [2014/06/11] [tby 8mike] [Real time Voxel Octree build] Wayback!Hello everybody, I am not sure if this is the right board for this topic, if this is not the right place I am sorry. I started to work on my MSc project and I wanted to do some experiments using path tracing and octrees. I saw some papers related to building a sparse voxel representation of a scene with mipmap using the rasterizer and, from what I saw, the structure can be rebuilt from scratch 60-90 times per second. I was thinking of adopting such thing and experimenting with path tracing using the octree as an acceleration structure. Does anyone here know any already created implementation of octrees where you simply pass in a mesh and outputs the octree? Or even better, does anyone know of any implementation of such mechanism on the rasterizer that doesn't require to download an entire engine (cause I found a couple but they are huge frameworks)?
(L) [2014/06/12] [tby toxie] [Real time Voxel Octree build] Wayback!There are 2 posts by smash/FLT that might be interesting, too:
[LINK http://directtovideo.wordpress.com/2013/05/07/real-time-ray-tracing/]
[LINK http://directtovideo.wordpress.com/2013/05/08/real-time-ray-tracing-part-2/]
If you look through the data files of the demo that uses this ([LINK http://www.scene.org/file.php?file=%2Fparties%2F2013%2Frevision13%2Fpc_demo%2Fflt_fivefaces_2.zip]), you can also find the shader code directly..
Apart from that i don't know of any "simple" source code snippets that would do what you want..
(L) [2014/06/12] [tby 8mike] [Real time Voxel Octree build] Wayback!Thank you very much, that was an interesting reading and part 2 is exactly what I was interested in. Is there a way to contact this developer? I cannot find his name or anything and it seems to have lost interest in updating the blog since January.