Recursive indirect lighting back

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(L) [2021/04/14] [ost by olliej] [Recursive indirect lighting] Wayback!

So I was playing around with global illumination by having my lighting function accumulate ambient light by selecting a random ray from the point of collision, and sampling the collision, then repeating that "recursively" (in a accumulating loop), and to me intuitively this should handle caustics, but it isn't and then to make matters more confusing I'm getting a halo around the reflective sphere:


The basic loop is:
 var ambient = Vector(1,1,1)
    var throughput : Float = 1
    var frag = fragment
    while throughput > unsafeRandom(min: 0, max: 1) {
      let origin = frag.position
      let testDir = cosineSample(about: frag.normal)
      guard let (colour, _, fr) = scene.intersect(ray: Ray(origin: origin + frag.normal * 0.001, direction: testDir, near: 0.001, far: Float.infinity), depth: 0, configuration: config, ignoreLights: true) else {
      guard let f = fr else {
      frag = f
      let max = colour.maxElement()
      if max == 0 {
      throughput *= max * 0.999
      ambient = ambient * colour / max
    return (Colour(vector:ambient), nil)

Which is essentially a bastardization of what I previously did in a photon map implementation
(L) [2021/04/17] [ost by olliej] [Recursive indirect lighting] Wayback!

I realized that I needed to actually account for the fall off, due to accumulation through the process, vs. photon mapping where you only record the final location.
