Eurographics '18 Industry Talks back

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(L) [2018/02/06] [tby jbikker] [Eurographics '18 Industry Talks] Wayback!

Hi all,
We are organizing the industry talks session this year at Eurographics, which will be held next April in Delft, and we are looking for companies interested in giving a talk in this session.
The idea of Eurographics Industry Talks is to highlight state-of-the-art computer graphics developments, to present new graphics techniques (which can still be work in progress) or novel applications of existing techniques, to talk about specific production problems, or to demonstrate how techniques are actually implemented and used. The variety of topics and talk styles can be relatively broad. Industry talks focus only on people from industry and their practical experience with graphics techniques. In that sense, they are quite similar to SIGGRAPH Talks and SIGGRAPH Production Talks.
We ask people who are interested in giving a talk to send us a short abstract before February 26th. This really doesn't need to be very long, just enough to explain what the talk will be about. You can find more information on this webpage: [LINK ... sentations]
To increase the visibility of your company/product, the industry talk ideally is combined with a sponsorship. See [LINK] for details on sponsorship packages and benefits.
Best regards,
Chris Wyman, Jacco Bikker.
(L) [2018/02/06] [ost by jbikker] [Eurographics '18 Industry Talks] Wayback!

Hi all,

We are organizing the industry talks session this year at Eurographics, which will be held next April in Delft, and we are looking for companies interested in giving a talk in this session.

The idea of Eurographics Industry Talks is to highlight state-of-the-art computer graphics developments, to present new graphics techniques (which can still be work in progress) or novel applications of existing techniques, to talk about specific production problems, or to demonstrate how techniques are actually implemented and used. The variety of topics and talk styles can be relatively broad. Industry talks focus only on people from industry and their practical experience with graphics techniques. In that sense, they are quite similar to SIGGRAPH Talks and SIGGRAPH Production Talks.

We ask people who are interested in giving a talk to send us a short abstract before February 26th. This really doesn't need to be very long, just enough to explain what the talk will be about. You can find more information on this webpage: [LINK]

To increase the visibility of your company/product, the industry talk ideally is combined with a sponsorship. See [LINK] for details on sponsorship packages and benefits.

Best regards,

Chris Wyman, Jacco Bikker.
