(L) [2013/10/22] [tby tsubo164] [Fujiyama Renderer multi-threaded] Wayback!Hi all,
I just release a new version of Fujiyama Renderer.
Now it supports multi-threaded rendering and dynamically assigns
a tile rendering per thread.
[LINK http://fujiyama-renderer.com/]
Also, someone started developing Maya plugin for Fujiyama.
The person has already made it work and still working on it hardly.
Demo clip
[LINK http://vimeo.com/75143830]
The website
[LINK http://www.openmaya.net/openmaya/mayatofuji/mtfu-about.php]
If you have any questions and/or requests that you wish to have in Fujiyama,
please do not hesitate to contact me.