Ellipsoid/Triangle intersection back

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(L) [2013/04/16] [ost by TheSFReader] [Ellipsoid/Triangle intersection] Wayback!

Hi guys.
I'm looking for some pointers to compute ellipsoid/triangle intersection (and intersection distance). Is "normalizing" the ellipse into a sphere sufficient ?
(L) [2013/04/16] [ost by spectral] [Ellipsoid/Triangle intersection] Wayback!

Maybe ask on a "math" forum... [SMILEY ;-)]
(L) [2013/04/16] [ost by TheSFReader] [Ellipsoid/Triangle intersection] Wayback!

Yes, probably. However, since it would be used in an Rartracing like use, with performance implications, I wondered if someone here had already found this case...
(L) [2013/04/16] [ost by hobold] [Ellipsoid/Triangle intersection] Wayback!

What information exactly is your input?
 - are the ellipsoid's main axes arbitrary? or parallel to some coordinate axis? in world coordinates or in local coordinates?
 - is the triangle specified by its three vertices or some other way?

What information exactly do you want to compute?
 - a boolean "does (not) intersect" can be computed analytically, as described here:
[LINK http://vectorizer.org/IntersectQuadricTetrahedron.html]

 - distance to an ellipsoid is surprisingly complex to compute:
[LINK http://www.geometrictools.com/Documentation/DistancePointEllipseEllipsoid.pdf]
(L) [2013/04/18] [ost by TheSFReader] [Ellipsoid/Triangle intersection] Wayback!

Actually, it would be used to compute intervisibility from one radio antenna to an area / set of points.
