Voronoi Fracture and Shatter Lab Tests back

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(L) [2011/12/19] [ost by Dade] [Voronoi Fracture and Shatter Lab Tests] Wayback!

Alain "Chiaroscuro" Ducharme has released a new video about Voronoi Fracture and Shatter (he is the author of a custom tool for Blender+Bullet Physics): [LINK http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FIPu9_OGFgc]

The video is rendered with Blender+Bullet Physic+Custom Scripts+SLG (i.e. OpenCL path tracer). The rendering time is about 20 seconds for each HD frame on 2xHD4890.

I'm not a physic expert but it looks quite amazing if you ask me  [SMILEY :D]

P.S. original thread at Bullet Physics forum is here: [LINK http://bulletphysics.org/Bullet/phpBB3/viewtopic.php?f=17&t=7707]
(L) [2011/12/20] [ost by ingenious] [Voronoi Fracture and Shatter Lab Tests] Wayback!

This video has nothing to do with the one I downloaded yesterday from a torrent, yet it gives me pretty similar feeling  [SMILEY 8-)]
(L) [2011/12/20] [ost by davepermen] [Voronoi Fracture and Shatter Lab Tests] Wayback!

If I understand it correctly, the thing has nothing to do with physics per se. It's just the way the stuff is fractured that it's about. The rest is the ordinary physics engine of choice, then.

Still, it's awesome to watch. I totally had the inception moment at the end, with the ball trough the wall two times. When it was in slow-motion, I was actually "brooooaaahhhhhhhMMMMM", like in the inception accapella trailer.
(L) [2011/12/21] [ost by hobold] [Voronoi Fracture and Shatter Lab Tests] Wayback!

>> davepermen wrote:When it was in slow-motion, I was actually "brooooaaahhhhhhhMMMMM", like in the inception accapella trailer.(Nearly content-free reply)

You mean [LINK http://inception.davepedu.com/] ? [SMILEY :)]
(L) [2011/12/21] [ost by davepermen] [Voronoi Fracture and Shatter Lab Tests] Wayback!

yes, that's awesome.

but specifically: this one

[LINK http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=d2yD4yDsiP4]


I so would love this to be shown that way in the cinemas [SMILEY :)]
