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(L) [2012/11/07] [ost by stefan] [Re: Ph.D. thesis] Wayback!

(L) [2012/11/07] [ost by graphicsMan] [Re: Ph.D. thesis] Wayback!

Congrats.  It looks great.  Lots of things in there to try out in our renderer... [SMILEY :)]
(L) [2012/11/07] [ost by hobold] [Re: Ph.D. thesis] Wayback!

I want to award one bonus point each for mentioning both the Commodore Amiga as well as AltiVec. Motorollin'! [SMILEY :)]
(L) [2012/11/07] [ost by Thammuz] [Re: Ph.D. thesis] Wayback!

(L) [2012/11/07] [ost by dr_eck] [Re: Ph.D. thesis] Wayback!

Congratulatoins, Dr. Bikker.  Love the dedication.
(L) [2013/02/13] [ost by shiqiu1105] [Re: Ph.D. thesis] Wayback!

I don't understand. If Timo Aila's work is the state of the art of gpu ray tracing, then why don't dicuss that in the thesis, instead talk about path regeneration and stream path tracing??
(L) [2013/02/13] [ost by tomasdavid] [Re: Ph.D. thesis] Wayback!

Because your Ph.D. thesis is about what you have done, not about what someone else did. [SMILEY :-)]
(L) [2013/02/13] [ost by shiqiu1105] [Re: Ph.D. thesis] Wayback!

>> tomasdavid wrote:Because your Ph.D. thesis is about what you have done, not about what someone else did.
Oh? I thought path regeneration and stream path tracing are also someone else's works.
(L) [2013/02/14] [ost by jbikker] [Re: Ph.D. thesis] Wayback!

>> shiqiu1105 wrote:I don't understand. If Timo Aila's work is the state of the art of gpu ray tracing, then why don't dicuss that in the thesis, instead talk about path regeneration and stream path tracing??
It is briefly discussed in 6.1.1. Thing is, Aila & Laine provide ray traversal kernels which are state-of-the-art, and this is used as a building block in many other algorithms, including path regeneration and streaming path tracing. It's basically a low-level block that I take for granted, and build upon.
(L) [2013/02/14] [ost by spectral] [Re: Ph.D. thesis] Wayback!

Ahhh great news,

Congratulation for your work [SMILEY ;-)]
(L) [2013/02/19] [tby dbz] [Re: Ph.D. thesis] Wayback!

>> shiqiu1105 wrote:I don't understand. If Timo Aila's work is the state of the art of gpu ray tracing, then why don't dicuss that in the thesis, instead talk about path regeneration and stream path tracing??
It never was the state of the art(or for a short time until Fermi came out). Even they themselves didn't use the 'persistent thread' thing anymore in their later paper, it didn't make sense on Fermi. I never quite understood their paper, and I never bothered to try out their persistent threads. My simple path tracer that actually did some real shading had a similar speed as their persistent threads approach at the time so I never bothered.
(L) [2014/06/15] [tby PauloAndrade] [Re: Ph.D. thesis] Wayback!

Broken link [SMILEY :(].
