(L) [2019/12/07] [ost
by jbikker] [FREEZING THE BOARD] Wayback!Hello all,
Activity on ompf2 has mostly halted. Considering the ongoing onslaught of spambots I think it is best if I completely disable new user registrations. The board will remain accessible, and if you want to add a member I can do this manually, but the purpose of the board will probably change to 'museum' and 'information pool'.
- Jacco.
(L) [2019/12/09] [ost
by jbikker] [FREEZING THE BOARD] Wayback!Yes. So if you're reading this and got a twitter account: share your name!
You can follow me as @j_bikker. Graphics retweets, LH2 news, software optimization.
(L) [2020/01/08] [ost
by cignox1] [FREEZING THE BOARD] Wayback!Well, despite the fact that I didn't write a single raytracing code line in almost 10 years (and I miss it so much!), I still try to keep informed, and this board used to be a nice place for that. I don't use twitter and I'm not sure I'll start to use it now: if not, goodbye to everyone and thank you (expecially for the help that time when I've implemented that BIH tree  [SMILEY :D] )