(L) [2016/01/13] [aePrime] [Rendering jobs at DreamWorks Animation] Wayback!We have openings for shader development:
[LINK https://dwa-openhire.silkroad.com/epostings/index.cfm?fuseaction=app.jobinfo&jobid=845&source=ONLINE&JobOwner=992281&company_id=17114&version=1]
Ray tracing:
[LINK https://dwa-openhire.silkroad.com/epostings/index.cfm?fuseaction=app.jobinfo&jobid=863&source=ONLINE&JobOwner=992281&company_id=17114&version=1]
And REYES rasterization:
[LINK https://dwa-openhire.silkroad.com/epostings/index.cfm?fuseaction=app.jobinfo&jobid=364&source=ONLINE&JobOwner=992281&company_id=17114&version=1]
(L) [2016/01/14] [aePrime] [Rendering jobs at DreamWorks Animation] Wayback!I guess I should add some more detail. I'm not in HR: I'm a rendering engineer, so forgive any oversights.
All of these jobs are for our beautiful main campus in Glendale, California. DreamWorks Animation has been on Forbes' list of the top 100 companies to work for many times, with such perks as free breakfast and lunch.
I don't think I can share much without having you sign an NDA, but we're doing some really cool stuff in the field of ray tracing!