Latex formula support ? back

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(L) [2012/07/18] [ost by spectral] [Latex formula support ?] Wayback!


It will be fine if the forum can support latex formula ?!

I'm sure that you agree... but just hope that you will find some time to add it [SMILEY ;-)]

Thanks for your community
(L) [2012/07/18] [ost by graphicsMan] [Latex formula support ?] Wayback!

(L) [2012/12/27] [ost by spectral] [Latex formula support ?] Wayback!

Any news ?

Is there someone able to improve the forum please, because it is hard to add complex formula with latex ?

Thanks for your help
(L) [2012/12/29] [ost by Arite] [Latex formula support ?] Wayback!

As a suggestion [LINK MathJax] support could be added.

For a basic configuration all that needs to be done is to add:
Code: [LINK # Select all]<script type="text/javascript"
Somewhere in the <head> section of overall_header.html (Editable by going to the Administration Control Panel (ACP) >> Styles >> Templates >> Edit prosilver >> Select "overall_header.html").

Then for example typing:
Code: [LINK # Select all]We can derive de Moivre's formula using Euler's formula:
\left( \cos{\theta} + i \sin{\theta} \right)^n = \left( e^{i\theta} \right)^n = e^{i (n \theta)} = \cos{(n \theta)} + i \sin{(n \theta)}
Would yield (screenshot from my phpBB forum):

[IMG #1 Image]

^ Probably should've chosen the rendering equation instead [SMILEY :-P].

There are MathJax phpBB mods too (for example [LINK here]), however just adding the script to the header seems to be good enough for most things.

Cheers, Arite.
[IMG #1]:Not scraped:
(L) [2012/12/30] [ost by admin] [Latex formula support ?] Wayback!

Arite, thanks for the detailed instructions!


We can derive de Moivre's formula using Euler's formula:
\left( \cos{\theta} + i \sin{\theta} \right)^n = \left( e^{i\theta} \right)^n = e^{i (n \theta)} = \cos{(n \theta)} + i \sin{(n \theta)}

EDIT: Seems to work. Will this do for now?
(L) [2012/12/31] [ost by spectral] [Latex formula support ?] Wayback!

Wonderful, thanks a lot [SMILEY ;-)]
(L) [2012/12/31] [ost by dr_eck] [Latex formula support ?] Wayback!

I agree!  [SMILEY :D]  It wasn't something I was really dying for, but I really appreciate it now that it's available.
(L) [2013/01/02] [ost by Arite] [Latex formula support ?] Wayback!

>> admin wrote:Arite, thanks for the detailed instructions!
No problem [SMILEY :)].
 >> admin wrote:Test:

We can derive de Moivre's formula using Euler's formula:
\left( \cos{\theta} + i \sin{\theta} \right)^n = \left( e^{i\theta} \right)^n = e^{i (n \theta)} = \cos{(n \theta)} + i \sin{(n \theta)}

EDIT: Seems to work. Will this do for now?
Brilliant [SMILEY :D].

A Global annoucement saying e.g. "MathJax LaTeX formula support added" with a couple of usage examples could be helpful for new users.

(L) [2013/01/03] [ost by spectral] [Latex formula support ?] Wayback!

You can use the following tool to easily create your formula :

(L) [2013/01/03] [ost by spectral] [Latex formula support ?] Wayback!

Is there some anti-aliasing option ? The formula looks pixelated..

BTW:Take a look at the previous link to compare.

