(L) [2015/10/26] [mrluzeiro] [Basic question: material that will change the normal] Wayback!Hello, I have a basic question.
If I assigned a material to an object that will perturb the normals, where / how that change of the normals should be applied?
Usually the objects implement a GetNormal( uv coords?) should that GetNormal function call the material function that will perturb the normal or should I only do that at shade moment and keep always the original normal?
Normal should only be used for light shading or/and also shadow and reflection/refractions?
(L) [2015/10/29] [szellmann] [Basic question: material that will change the normal] Wayback!>> You should keep a copy of the surface real geometric normal along side and use that to displace the starting position of rays to avoid self-intersection.
Keeping the geometry normal around is good advice in general, because that's the one you need to determine if you process a "back-face" or a "front-face"...