(L) [2012/05/15] [ost
by Igors] [Re: Importance Sampling] Wayback!>> spectral wrote:
So, first do you implement MIS or BDPT ? have you implemented basic MLT ? For sure it will help a lot !
Sorry, but I'm not familiar with terms. In my prj all bounces are calculated with photon maps, so when a ray hits somethig I already have illumination there (no further paths and rays)
 >> ingenious wrote:A couple of months ago a paper on this topic, titled "A Significance Cache for Accelerating Global Illumination", appeared in Computer Graphics Forum:
[LINK http://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/10.1111/j.1467-8659.2012.02099.x/abstract;jsessionid=D5D65831986C5AA9B35C01FD7B653911.d02t02]Hmm.. I realize it can be what I need or not. But is it really usable article to pay for it? Thanks