Formulas/Math in source code comments back

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(L) [2012/07/04] [tby spectral] [Formulas/Math in source code comments] Wayback!

I'm searching for a way to put formula (by example with Latex) into the c++/c code comments.
I have found nothing... but will be interested if someone know a way of documenting the code with well formatted math !
(L) [2012/07/04] [tby ingenious] [Formulas/Math in source code comments] Wayback!

[LINK] ?
(L) [2012/07/04] [tby spectral] [Formulas/Math in source code comments] Wayback!

I know Doxygen, but it is only to generate documentation [SMILEY :-P]
What I'm searching for is a way to 'see/preview' the formulas directly in the code editor, like VS or Notepad++ etc....
Thanks again...
(L) [2012/07/04] [tby ingenious] [Formulas/Math in source code comments] Wayback!

>> spectral wrote:What I'm searching for is a way to 'see/preview' the formulas directly in the code editor, like VS or Notepad++ etc....
What does this mean?
(L) [2012/07/04] [tby davepermen] [Formulas/Math in source code comments] Wayback!

He wants to write math-formula-stuff right into his texteditor, right into the code.
Why ever.. [SMILEY :)]
