(L) [2013/07/31] [tby joedizzle] [BSSRDF Importance Sampling] Wayback!From Christopher Kulla's website:
"A simple importance-sampling method for rendering subsurface light transport described by a BSSRDF on arbitrary geometry without any pre-computation"
[LINK https://sites.google.com/site/ckulla/home/bssrdf-importance-sampling]
I've been waiting eagerly for the publication of that paper, and therefore it's good to know it's out for public access. The optimized bssrdf sampling strategy algorithm is already integrated in Arnold renderer!
(L) [2013/07/31] [tby beason] [BSSRDF Importance Sampling] Wayback!Thanks for link, joedizzle.
Great presentation, thanks Chris Kulla and crew. Looking forward to trying this out.
Also, I just noticed for first time Chris Kulla has a fractal render. Looks fantastic!