Re: Sobol' sequences back

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(L) [2015/09/28] [andersll] [Re: Sobol' sequences] Wayback!

Yeah I think CMJ performs pretty well from what I've seen, but still suffers from the limitation that you've got to know your sample count up front.
(L) [2015/09/29] [cessen] [Re: Sobol' sequences] Wayback!

Okay, I have some more sample test images.  Here is (14,15) at 64, 256, and 65536 samples, respectively:
[IMG #1 Image]
[IMG #2 Image]
[IMG #3 Image]
And here is (24,25):
[IMG #4 Image]
[IMG #5 Image]
[IMG #6 Image]
So, both of them perform reasonably well across a wide range a sampling rates, it seems.  Though neither are great at 64.
However, I also checked some other dimension combinations, and found that (14,24) performs poorly:
[IMG #7 Image]
[IMG #8 Image]
[IMG #9 Image]
So it has its problems, too.  But even so, I find the lower dimensions to be better distributed with Faure-permuted Halton than with Sobol.  Though, admittedly, I haven't done a super thorough investigation. [SMILEY ;-)]
[IMG #1]:[IMG:#0]
[IMG #2]:[IMG:#1]
[IMG #3]:[IMG:#2]
[IMG #4]:[IMG:#3]
[IMG #5]:[IMG:#4]
[IMG #6]:[IMG:#5]
[IMG #7]:[IMG:#6]
[IMG #8]:[IMG:#7]
[IMG #9]:[IMG:#8]
