(L) [2011/12/31] [ost
by albertoven] [Flying over the stained glass mountains] Wayback!The following video has been rendered with Raydiant over a period of 3 and a half days and It’s composed of around 3000 frames. The camera path was graphically edited inside Raydiant using 3er degree polynomial splines to smoothly interpolate location, orientation, speed and fov. To enrich the visual feedback during the camera path designing the render mode was set to full radiosity, giving around a frame per second at low resolution. This way the real refraction/reflections and global lightning were taken into account in order to create the video. This is the first Raydiant made video and all it’s geometry was automatically generated inside the engine using its procedural API from a digital photo of the Brandenburg Gate. This was done at [LINK http://cutemosaic.com/]. Special thanks for the music go to the group ‘El perro de nadie’ ([LINK http://elperrodenadie.foroactivo.com/]).
[LINK http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zQ7xNA7UgZU&feature=youtu.be]
(L) [2012/01/04] [ost
by albertoven] [Flying over the stained glass mountains] Wayback!@Thammuz, davepermer: thanks, I'm glad you see it's value beyond being a tech demo.
@beason: obliged, the dust particles are modelled as spheres of a material that splits every photon that passes through it into 2 pondered parts:
   part 1: just passes through the sphere.
   part2: uses reciprocal Beer Law attenuation formula to give light density depending on the length of the span travelled inside the sphere, so is similar to a refractionless crystal that instead of opacity has the capacity to keep enlightening the ray as it travels through the material.