(L) [2014/10/19] [tby MohamedSakr] [question about camera sampling] Wayback!the question is to extend PBRT
I noticed that one of the best samplers is LD sampler, it converges at a very good rate, but it has one drawback!!, it needs a very straight forward algorithm like PT or BDPT, it is unusable with an algorithm like VCM "where the image needs to be integrated as a whole due to VM, not as a pixel by pixel"
so is there a sampler that can give me a "good" sub pixel x,y? "random sampler is pretty bad for this"
some clarification about LD sampler limitation:
if I have an image which needs 1000 spp, LD sampler gives the whole 1000 spp once "by shuffling and other per pixel area calculations" , this has a main drawback of "I want just 1 sample at a time!!, but I want it at a good position, may be depending on a sequence rather than the naive random sampler"
(L) [2014/10/19] [tby Dade] [question about camera sampling] Wayback!Check the Sobol sampler in LuxRender ([LINK https://bitbucket.org/luxrender/luxrays/src/39385df58d9b6de0113b83a5abae7bd73b926e76/src/slg/sampler/sampler.cpp?at=default#cl-270]) or Blender Cycles.
P.s. LD can be slow, requires memory storage and is plain horrible for GPUs.