Brigade2 r2017 back

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(L) [2012/04/10] [ost by jbikker] [Brigade2 r2017] Wayback!

Hi all,

Brigade 2 binaries (including headers and demos with source code) are now available from [LINK] .
New in this release: various performance improvements (mainly due to asynchroneous rendering: bvh maintenance and copying while rendering a frame) and 64-bit support, for larger scenes.

And of course everyone should have a look at Sam Lapere's awesome blog, which has 'Streets of Asia' rendered using Brigade 2 on it. [SMILEY :)] Also featured on Kotaku!


- Jacco.
(L) [2012/04/12] [ost by davepermen] [Brigade2 r2017] Wayback!

congrats. looks beautiful
(L) [2012/04/15] [ost by Vilem Otte] [Brigade2 r2017] Wayback!

[SMILEY :shock:] That looks really awesome.

It's a bit shame that it doesn't work with AMD gpus (is there "just CPU" still avaible?).

And if you find some little time, could you please share some stats, so I'd see how much I'm slower (-> and grow my TODO list in optimization of my own code).
