(L) [2016/01/06] [asyrov] [Basic question: reflections with glass sphere] Wayback!I'm having issue comparing how light is reflected in my hobby ray tracer and real life for a transparent glass sphere. As I understand, all the light reflected from a glass sphere is due to Fresnel reflection and so for highlighted on the image area it should be (where appears angle is less than 20 degrees) about 0.04, which means it should be very transparent place. But it, actually looks very reflective there. Can anyone please advice what I'm missing here?
(L) [2016/01/06] [asyrov] [Basic question: reflections with glass sphere] Wayback!Thanks for help, it works now. I changed color values of surfaces to lower values (say from {1, 1, 1} to {0.1, 0.1, 0.1} for white) and the reflection popped up.