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(L) [2012/01/08] [tby khalidsalman] [Posting approvals] Wayback!

How many posts need to be approved before we can see our posts immediately on the forum? I understand it needs to be balanced with spamming blocking, but sometimes it takes a day or so to get a post approved so it is not very convenient.
Shouldn't the first two posts be enough to tell spammer from a legitimate user?  that's what I've seen popular forums doing.
just a thought.
Thank you..
(L) [2012/01/08] [tby jbikker] [Posting approvals] Wayback!

I think you need two posts or so? I try to check several times a day, but it's quite possible that occasionally you have to wait a while...
(L) [2012/01/08] [tby ingenious] [Posting approvals] Wayback!

That's a good point, because I also don't understand how this approval works. Is the forum currently set to automatically add the member to a "trusted" group once he/she gets 2 posts approved? Or does this have to also be done manually by an admin/moderator?
(L) [2012/01/09] [tby jbikker] [Posting approvals] Wayback!

It's automatic. I only approve posts, and I believe every user gets two approvals prior to unobstructed posting.
