LuxVR: Virtual Reality with LuxRender (and OpenCL) back

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(L) [2013/03/11] [tby Dade] [LuxVR: Virtual Reality with LuxRender (and OpenCL)] Wayback!

I have uploaded a video about an ambitious project I'm working on at [LINK]
LuxVR is a LuxRender project to introduce the interactive experience as a new kind of media produced by traditional off-line renderers. You can find some detail and the ongoing discussion about this project at [LINK].
Technically, it is a combination of SLG ([LINK]) OpenCL path tracer and Sfera ([LINK]) OpenCL image pipeline with tone mapping, gamma correction, frame blending and blurring (in order to reduce the perceived image noise).
(L) [2013/08/02] [tby Dade] [LuxVR: Virtual Reality with LuxRender (and OpenCL)] Wayback!

I have uploaded a demo video of LuxVR working with Oculus Rift HMD ([LINK]): [LINK]
P.S. indeed, the video is supposed to be seen fullscreen with Oculus Rift HMD.
(L) [2013/08/07] [tby andersll] [LuxVR: Virtual Reality with LuxRender (and OpenCL)] Wayback!

That is all kinds of awesome. I wonder though - what does the progressive update feel like when you're actually using it with a Rift? Must be a slightly crazy experience [SMILEY :D]
(L) [2013/08/08] [tby Dade] [LuxVR: Virtual Reality with LuxRender (and OpenCL)] Wayback!

>> andersll wrote:That is all kinds of awesome. I wonder though - what does the progressive update feel like when you're actually using it with a Rift? Must be a slightly crazy experience
Yes, you need some kind of automatic Camera locking and/or user controlled locking. Another possible option would be to use some kind of heavy filtering of data coming from the head tracking device. However, heavy filtering can introduce some serious motion sickness problem and should probably be avoided.
Without true hard real-time path tracing, it is going to be hard to make any effective use of the tracking device.
However, even if used only as display device, the Oculus Rift is going to be a good product (especially if you factor the cost).
(L) [2013/08/08] [tby Zelcious] [LuxVR: Virtual Reality with LuxRender (and OpenCL)] Wayback!

I would strongly suggest reprojecting pixels under rotation only. It will speed up convergence like crazy when used together with a helmet with lots of small head movements all the time. If you want to be tricky you can focus all the new pixels that comes into view. Will even give a smoother translation if you are using frame blending.
