Claims of real-time Ray Tracing on mobile hardware back

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(L) [2018/08/15] [ost by m9105826] [Claims of real-time Ray Tracing on mobile hardware] Wayback!

Thoughts on the claims in this article? There's very little info to go on, but I'd love to hear from some people who were able to make it to SIGGRAPH this year about what this group is showing off.

(L) [2018/08/16] [ost by mpeterson] [Claims of real-time Ray Tracing on mobile hardware] Wayback!

know it. nothing special to think about. more or less simple crap.
(L) [2018/08/23] [ost by stefan] [Claims of real-time Ray Tracing on mobile hardware] Wayback!

Can't say anything about this group in particular. But I'm expecting RTRT on mobile at some point, as Apple's current public betas have an API to do ray tracing on mobile via Metal.
