SIGGRAPH 2013 papers back

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(L) [2013/05/15] [ost by beason] [SIGGRAPH 2013 papers] Wayback!

Haven't seen anyone mention SIGGRAPH 2013 yet.

Ke-Sen Huang has several SIGGRAPH 2013 paper links up:


Also, early registration ends May 31st.
(L) [2013/05/16] [ost by Zelcious] [SIGGRAPH 2013 papers] Wayback!

Im mostly interested in the paper: Gradient-Domain Metropolis Light Transport.
I hope it's good. But it's probably more about noise reduction than my initial thought about something similar to manifold exploration that I have been thinking about. (you should be able to do a numerical search based on path-distance to camera. A relaxed lens if you will. It should still be able to make it unbiased. I think i could be a very efficient for difficult caustics and a way to avoid getting stuck in hard to sample paths.)
(L) [2013/05/16] [ost by spectral] [SIGGRAPH 2013 papers] Wayback!

Yes, me too...

I'm waiting for this paper... but have no more information about its content. It looks about noise reduction (Like previous Hoberock work).
(L) [2013/05/22] [ost by McAce] [SIGGRAPH 2013 papers] Wayback!

It can be downloaded here: [LINK]
(L) [2013/05/22] [ost by zsolnai] [SIGGRAPH 2013 papers] Wayback!

Yee-haw! [SMILEY :)] I have been waiting for this for quite a while. Thanks! [SMILEY :)]
(L) [2013/05/28] [ost by spectral] [SIGGRAPH 2013 papers] Wayback!

BTW, there is a patent by NVidia on this papers... so I think that we cannot implement it for commercial renderers ... and I don't know if it is permitted for free/open source/personal ones. Just for info [SMILEY ;-)]
(L) [2013/06/09] [ost by TheSFReader] [SIGGRAPH 2013 papers] Wayback!

Anyone had a look at the Hardware BVH construction paper ? Any way to get a copy ?
