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(L) [2016/07/14] [tby danielthompson] [Physically Based Rendering 3E] Wayback!

Sorry if this has already been asked and answered - does anyone have any insight on the book's release date changing? When I pre-ordered it on Amazon some months ago, the page said July 1 or similar; now it says November 1.
(L) [2016/11/22] [tby mattpharr] [Physically Based Rendering 3E] Wayback!

Sorry for not seeing this sooner! (Haven't been to ompf2 for a while.)
My understanding from the publisher is that it will be (finally) shipping on Nov 25. Sorry for the delay. Hope you enjoy it!
(L) [2016/12/02] [ost by danielthompson] [Physically Based Rendering 3E] Wayback!

Thanks Matt! Received it last week. Now if only my wife and the baby will let me spend time with it [SMILEY :)]
