Job offer at NVIDIA (ARC/OptiX Team) (US or Europe) back

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(L) [2016/05/18] [tby toxie] [Job offer at NVIDIA (ARC/OptiX Team) (US or Europe)] Wayback!

This time around the offer is a bit more general, so please don't be scared by the job description/expertise requirements, which might seem a bit excessive at first:
(or contact me via PM for more details or if you have specific questions)
(L) [2016/05/19] [tby mpeterson] [Job offer at NVIDIA (ARC/OptiX Team) (US or Europe)] Wayback!

what a shame... this offer fits to 100%. have never seen something like that before. next time...
(L) [2016/05/30] [tby toxie] [Job offer at NVIDIA (ARC/OptiX Team) (US or Europe)] Wayback!

too bad.. anybody else?  [SMILEY :)]
(L) [2016/05/30] [tby zsolnai] [Job offer at NVIDIA (ARC/OptiX Team) (US or Europe)] Wayback!

A nice and spicy job offer, thanks for posting! [SMILEY :)] I'll send it around too.
